Designing Resource:

Understanding the Design Industry and Visioning a Better Future

Further Reading

Burgess, Rebecca, 2019Fibershed: Growing a movement of farmers, fashion activists and makers for a new textile economy. 

Fletcher, Zoe, 2018Designing for Breed: A design-oriented toolkit for understanding purebred British wool for knitwear

Fletcher, Kate and Tham, Mathilda, 2019Earth Logic: Fashion Action Research Plan.

The Lissome
Print magazine at the intersection of sustainable fashion, regenerative design and system transformation.

Further Listening

Conscious Chatter
Working to deconstruct how oppressive systems impact the sustainable fashion space.

For the Wild Podcast
Episode 200, Rebecca Burgess on Soil to Soil Fibre Systems

Reseed Podcast
Episode 10, Regenerative Textile Economies

Weaving Voices Podcast
Transforming our thinking both as citizens and material culture makers and users


Centre for Sustainable Fashion 
Investigating the creative practice in fashion micro and small enterprises as a potential driver for change.

Common Objective
Practical information, tools and intelligence on the materials used in fashion.

International Wool Textile Organisation
Fact sheets developed in consultation with wool textile experts around the world.

The Sustainable Fashion Toolkit
A free online toolkit bringing together sustainable fashion resources in a centralized location.

The Woolist
A research project documenting the 72 British pure sheep breeds.


A Union of Concerned Researchers
An independent global community of over 200 researchers and fashion practitioners.

Fashion Declares
An organisation looking to create a fair fashion industry that puts people and planet first.

Fashion Revolution
An organisation campaigning for the rights of garment workers.


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