collaboration & consultancy

For educators & tutors

Are you looking to further education about and engagement between fashion, design and regenerative or agroecological farming in the South West? We’d love to help.

how to teach regenerative

What are regenerative fibres and what is being produced in the South West?

Regenerative is the new ‘sustainable’, but how easy is it to define and to teach?

We work with educators to improve understanding and ground it in real life examples. 

We have developed course content and teaching aides, and we also design and host immersive learning experiences in partnership with producer farms and growing sites across the South West.


Fashion Field Trip

In October 2024 we launched Fashion Field Trip, taking educators, students and industry professionals on full day multi-sensory workshops to explore how working regeneratively with our bioregional resources we foster connection to, and nourish our local  landscape and community. Download a summary report of our Pilot here, and Guide Prices for Groups here. 

WHO we work with

Our educational outreach takes many forms

We collaborate with university tutors to generate course content and set live briefs.
We develop teaching aides and materials that bring fibreshed to life in the classroom or gallery. 
We specialise in curating on-farm learning experiences with a focus on farming for fashion and textiles.
the what

What is a fibreshed

A fibreshed is a defined geographical area, or bioregion, within which we harness the natural resources available – fibres, dyes and labour -to create textiles and clothing in  grounded in localised soil-to-soil systems.  We have a growing community of producers in the South West committed to reimagining a regional production model for fibres and fashion. 

We need to embed a regenerative mindset in how we teach the future of fashion.


We will be launching a Supporter membership shortly. If you are interested in receiving more information on this and other news from our fibreshed, please sign up here.